1,244 returned yesterday, before start of quarantine at designated stations today

Julai 24, 2020 09:41 MYT
The Health Ministry (MOH) had conducted COVID-19 tests on 24,701 people who entered via KLIA between June 10 and yesterday. - FILEpic
All except one of the 1,244 Malaysians who came back from overseas yesterday were sent home for 14-day quarantine, the last batch allowed to do self-isolation before compulsory quarantine at government-designated centres begins today, said Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
He said the Malaysians, who returned via the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and klia2, were from China, Indonesia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Cambodia, Japan, Laos, the Netherlands, India and South Korea.
"One of the returnees was sent to hospital,” he said in a statement here today.
Ismail Sabri also said the Health Ministry (MOH) had conducted COVID-19 tests on 24,701 people who entered via KLIA between June 10 and yesterday.
Of this number, 24,621 were found negative and have been undergoing compulsory quarantine at their homes while 80 were found positive and have been sent to hospital for treatment, he added.
On the sanitisation operations in public places, he said 10 operations were conducted in Sabah and Pahang yesterday, involving six personnel of the Fire and Rescue Department and 122 workers of local authorities.
He said the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry conducted daily monitoring on 12 types of essential goods at 720 business premises yesterday.
The ministry also conducted 1,745 special inspections on compliance with the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) standard operating procedure (SOP), out of which 1,699 premises were found to have abided by the SOP, 45 premises were given advice and one was warned for not observing the SOP, he added.
The statement said the ministry found that there is adequate supply and easy availability of essential goods in the country.
On border control, Ismail Sabri, who is Defence Minister, said 2,105 illegal immigrants, 572 boat skippers and 126 smugglers had been arrested between May 1 and July 23 in the Operasi Benteng.
"A total of 79 boats and 224 vehicles were impounded for being used in attempts to illegally enter the country,” he said.
He said police arrested 227 individuals for violating the Movement Control Order yesterday, with 62 having been remanded, one was released on bail and 164 were slapped with compound fines.
The Task Force on Compliance Operations headed by the police conducted 65,434 inspections yesterday to monitor and enforce RMCO SOP compliance.
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