Netizens voice grouses 10 days after GST implementation

Syafique Shuib
April 10, 2015 09:55 MYT
Netizens voice their grouses over the prices hikes in most items including prepaid mobile reload and food. - Photo by Astro AWANI
Today, marks the 10th day consumers around the country pay higher prices for goods and services.
The implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on April 1 were received with mixed responses by consumers who largely felt they have been short-changed.
Astro AWANI took to Twitter to query Netizens how they have coped with the implementation of the GST.
Through the #10HariGST hashtag, many have shared their gripes citing that the newly-hiked prices are an undesirable move by the government.
University students are one significant segment of the society that claimed that the GST has inadvertently taking a toll on their lifestyles.
The prices of prepaid top-ups have increased and they end up taking out more from their pockets. That the price of stationery have been charged 20 to 30 per cent higher by traders have become their primary concern too.
The hike in food prices by food operators at their universities are an 'ill-favoured' move, said some university students.

@501Awani saya masih bergelar pelajar. Haritu beli topup dan beli alat tulis pun kena GST... :(

— -JOE- (@WeeWeiJoe) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani everything got GST..shops say they absorb it but raise the price of things! as students it burdens them for extra to be taken out

— SukhvinSidhu (@SukhvinSidhu) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani as Uni student, this is another burden we have to cop with.

— Janet Jacqueline C (@janeeeeeetchin) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani before gst pun some student makan sekali sehari sbb living cost dh tnggi after gst kdg2 ikat perut smpai kne gastrik !!

— hami (@hami_zatul) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani sebagai pelajar, ianya AMAT membebankan...

— M Hazim M Haris (@HazimHaris) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani flight domestic pun kena GST . klau ada diskaun khas utk student tkpe gak , ni tkde ! pakat xblik la cuti sem kli nie .

— Jay You (@JulaihaYahya) April 10, 2015
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Dah #10HariGST asyik kene bayar cukai je. Budak yang bawah umur ni pun kene bayar jugak.haih. sangat membebankan #awani @501Awani

— Ғ Q (@Afyq_Qyfa) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani bagi fresh graduate yang baru nak start keje, GST sgt membebankan. Perbelanjaan harian bertambah. Dibebani hutang PTPTN. TQ.

— ParaPencariMu (@Amirrul_Hidayat) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani it's hard when cafes and stalls in campus raised their price and we can't even ask for receipt, they'll just say "GST, dik."

— Nabby (@heynabby) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani Belum nak terima lagi pelaksanaan ini. Topup tak payah kot 60sen

— Hani `Ali (@UmmuHaniAli) April 10, 2015
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Netizens expressed their concerns over the rise of everyday goods. - AFP photo
Some also complained over the rise of daily items.
A Netizen known as Zejjah Ziegler said that most of the items are expensive.
“Even for retailers who don't charge GST, they still have to increase their prices because their capital have increased,” she tweeted.

@501Awani Almost everything naik harga. Untuk peniaga yang tak kena GST, they still have to naikkan harga jualan since modal mereka naik

— zejjah ziegler (@zejjah) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani the #GST that I had to pay for every single time I went for grocery shopping is equivalent to my lunch meal #10HariGST

— nur shahirah ramli (@sharleiy) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani mendidik sy utk berhemah sewaktu belanja. Tetapi kecewa dgn beberapa kedai2 yg menaikkan harga barang. Terutama di restoran mamak!

— Rasyad Razin (@Rasyad_Razin) April 10, 2015
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Mohon pihak bertanggungjawab turun padang,lihat sendiri kehidupan sebenar rakyat yang gaji cukup minima ini. Sekian encik GST! @501Awani

— ParaPencariMu (@Amirrul_Hidayat) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani para peniaga ambil kesempatan, x ada barang yg turun harga, makin membebankan rakyat..

— Aus (@FNdausnawi) April 10, 2015
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Many have also expressed their confusions as they are still uncertain which products are charged with GST and GST-exempted.

@501Awani confused..adakah brg yg x dikenakan tax sebelum ini dikenakan gst jugak?

— hakimah safiee (@_SuperKiMs) April 10, 2015
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#10HariGST Confused tambah nilai touch n go di toll dan plaza tiada GST tapi jika di 7 eleven dan post lain ada dikenakan GST. @501Awani

— azam (@enchikzam) April 10, 2015
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#10HariGST confused ada kedai tak mengenakan GST dan ada yang tidak untuk pembelian tambah nilai telco. @501Awani

— azam (@enchikzam) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani Not really. Still confused which goods are imposed with GST. But I'm more cautious when paying; has started asking for receipts.

— Suren Stark (@LOLsuren) April 10, 2015
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A user known as @AbdRahimQlate said the GST is a burden to the low-income groups of the society:

@501Awani Sgt membebankan golongan berpendapatan rendah..

— Tweet Dakwah (@AbdRahimQlate) April 10, 2015
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Many are still confused over the GST system as they are unsure which items are GST-exempted. - AFP photo
On the contrary, some applaud the implementation of GST as it makes them more budget-concious.
“I look at every receipts nowadays which is a good thing as consumers need to know what they are paying for,” said a Haaziq Zahar.

@501Awani I look at every resits nowadays. Which is a good thing, consumers need to know what they're paying for. #10HariGST

— Haaziq Zahar (@haaziq_mz) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani so far so good, not so much different,we have to be smart, choose e right shops/retailers/restaurants who absorbed/ x charge gst

— Maznah Ibrahim (@Maznah_Ibrahim) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani yg membebankan tu bukan la gst tapi diri sendiri krn suka berbelanja besar

— Syafiq Hashim (@syafiqhashim14) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani no different but I learnt how to appreciate my money so I can spend them wisely :)

— £ (@liyaamao) April 10, 2015
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Some even said that the GST is just another tax system merely introduced to replace the Sales and Service Tax (SST):

@501Awani i mean, many are not even aware of the existence of the same 6% SST b4 gst bcos its not clearly stated in the receipts

— Aniq Ikhwan Ishak (@AreNick_Potter) April 10, 2015
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@EAliesya @501Awani sebelum ni semua tu dah ada sst 6% tak tau ke tak pernah bayar bil?

— hasnan (@nanasklinux) April 10, 2015
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Some Netizens even sang a different tune, as they take the issue lightly with some hilarious tweets:

@501Awani now i can do math so much faster right now.

— patrik (@pat8ikmnob) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani sila bg kt sya duit 5 sen sbnyk yg mngkn..hahahahahaaha...

— zul hisyam (@zulhisyam_911) April 10, 2015
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@501Awani b4 gst wallet full of coins. After gst no more coins hahahha #10HariGST

— nazitheplanespotter (@nazichicharoti) April 10, 2015
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On Thursday, the Customs Department has opened investigation papers on traders not complying with the Goods and Services Tax (GST), said its director-general Datuk Seri Khazali Ahmad.
He said the papers were opened since the GST came into force to seek the number of cases that could be brought to court.
"After two weeks, that is on April 15, we will know better the status on compliance to GST," he said.
##10HariGST #goods #Goods and Services Tax #GST #mobile phone reloads #netizens #prices #social media