Upscale Manhattan apartment complex drops Trump name

November 16, 2016 03:05 MYT
More than 600 signatory residents of Trump Place said in the petition that his remarks did not reflect the values of their home. - Reuters/File
Never has the Trump name packed more influence in the United States. But an upscale New York apartment complex has decided to drop the president-elect's name after residents rejected his divisive remarks.
For a while residents of the Trump Place apartments on the Upper West Side of Manhattan -- where studios rent for US$3,000 a month -- had little concern about the Republican billionaire Donald Trump's presidential bid.
They did not think he would win the November 8 election.
But when his campaign momentum kept building even after Trump insulted Mexicans, women, the disabled and others, residents signed petitions to have the three-building apartment complex drop his name.
Equity Residential, the manager of the complex, will remove the Trump Place name emblazoned in large letters on the facade, a company spokesman said Tuesday.
"We are currently in the process of changing the name of the buildings at 140, 160 and 180 Riverside (Boulevard)," said Marty McKenna, explaining they will go by their street addresses only.
"Assuming a more neutral building identity will appeal to all current and future residents," he said.
More than 600 signatory residents said in the petition that his remarks did not reflect the values of their home.
"Since Trump leases his name to buildings he does not own, part of our rent is being used to increase Trump's net worth," the petition complained.
The New York billionaire's name is his core asset, splashed on a dozen skyscrapers dotted around Manhattan and helping fuel a personal fortune that partly bankrolled his successful bid for the Oval Office.
#Donald Trump #Trump Place