This tower acts like a giant air purifier for polluted cities

ETX Studio
November 1, 2021 05:58 MYT
Smog Free Tower, a giant air purifier for polluted cities. - ETX Studio
URBAN parks where air is up to 70% cleaner than in the rest of the city. This Dutch creation, which sucks up pollution like a vacuum cleaner for air, represents an innovative approach to reducing smog and making cities more livable for inhabitants.
Worldwide, 9 out of 10 people breathe in polluted air. To raise awareness of the dangers of air pollution, Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde has designed the Smog Free Tower, the tower that purifies city air.
Daan Roosegaarde is an internationally renowned architect and designer, a pioneer in ecological art.
This Dutchman has notably designed kites and energy-generating dance floors, and has imagined a process for recycling space debris.
His experiences in highly polluted metropolises such as New Delhi and Beijing have made him aware of the issue of air pollution in large cities.
And so he imagined the Smog Free Tower, an anti-pollution tower capable of sucking in polluted air and releasing purified air.
Turning particles into rings
The Smog Free Tower is a seven-meter-high aluminium construction, inside which a suction device coupled with positive ionization technology is installed.
The device projects ions onto the particles of pollution contained in the sucked-in air, in order to weigh them down.
In this way, these particles are pressed against the inner wall and can be collected.
This tower is capable of aspirating 30,000 cubic meters per hour.
With the carbon thus collected in powder form, the designer makes rings: another way to materialize air pollution for awareness-raising purposes.
According to the WHO, 55% of the world's population lives in urban areas.
Air pollution causes 8.8 million premature deaths per year worldwide.
Energy Observer is the name of the first hydrogen-powered, zero-emission vessel to be self-sufficient in energy, advocating and serving as a laboratory for ecological transition.
Criss-crossing the oceans without air or noise pollution for marine ecosystems, Energy Observer sets out to meet women and men who devote their energy to creating sustainable solutions for a more harmonious world.
#Daan Roosegaarde #Smog Free Tower #Energy Observer #English News