Three reporters shot at while on the job in Medan

November 30, 2015 20:19 MYT
He said upon reaching the village at 5.50am, they heard the villagers shouting and accusing them of being thieves and suddenly a shot rang out.
Three reporters of news portals were shot at by unknown persons while covering a crime story at Kampung Kubur in Medan, North Sumatra yesterday.
Nicolas Saragih, Fahrizal Ardillah, and Arifin Tanjung were injured in the neck, forehead and cheek and were rushed to Bhayangkara Hospital, Medan for treatment.
Local newspapers quoted Medan Baru Police chief Ronny Nicolas Sidabutar as saying the reporters had received information about a motorcycle theft in Kampung Kubur.
He said upon reaching the village at 5.50am, they heard the villagers shouting and accusing them of being thieves and suddenly a shot rang out.
Police investigation found that information about the motorcycle theft was incorrect as the complainant said his motorcycle was not stolen but borrowed by a friend.
A bullet believed belonging to the airsoft gun was found at the scene of the incident.
Nicolas of said he was hurt in the forehead and cheek while Arifin of and Fahrizal of were hurt in the neck.
#Arifin Tanjung #crime story at Kampung Kubur #Fahrizal Ardillah #Medan #news portals #Nicolas Saragih #reporters