“After more than four year in operations, we still get calls asking if we are a massage centre,’ says Keith Tan with a smile, underscoring a lack of awareness toward Chiropractic and Physiotherapy among the public.

“But we try to explain and educate them on alternative medicine. The response has been great.”

Tan and his business partner started Spinefit in 2014 with the intention to provide professional and modern non-invasive spine and joint care.

With alternative medicine being in its infancy in Malaysia, we thought that this could be a great chance not only to serve the Malaysian public but to educate them on alternative medicine

While there are some form of alternative medication and treatment in Malaysia, he feels that, generally, there is a lack of confidence among the public to seek alternative therapy.

“With alternative medicine being in its infancy in Malaysia, we thought that this could be a great chance not only to serve the Malaysian public but to educate them on alternative medicine,” says Tan, who is also Spinefit’s Business and Operations Director.

Apart from Chiropractic, Spinefit also offers spinal decompression therapy, shockwave treatment for sports injuries and rehabilitation programmes.

Spinefit also aims raise the image of alternative treatment in the country by incorporating standards practised in countries like Australia and New Zealand, where chiropractic services are tightly regulated.

That is why, he says, Spinefit’s customers initially made up of expatriates.

“Being well travelled themselves and coming from countries where Chiropractic and Physiotherapy is a mature industry, they were more familiar with our services and what we could do for them.”

“But through word of mouth, we started to get more locals coming in to try out our services.”

Spinefit wants to spread the message of non-invasive treatment for various conditions but an essential goal for them is to teach and re-educate the public about their bodies through Chiropractic and Physiotherapy

Watch the full interview with Keith Tan below: