[OPINION] We stand in solidarity with Ukraine

Media Statement
April 28, 2022 13:31 MYT
Russia's aggression has created a humanitarian catastrophe, killing thousands of civilians and creating the fastest-growing refugee crisis since World War II. - FILEpic/REUTERS
THE Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine is unprovoked and unjustified. The Russian Federation has violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, an independent, peaceful and democratic state. The need to respect the territorial integrity of a sovereign state under international law applies to all states regardless of size. When this obligation is violated, all states should defend the integrity of international law through words and actions.
Although the war seems far away, it is being felt, and increasingly so, by all Malaysians through the painful increase in fuel and staple food prices. This hardship comes at a time when Malaysia’s economy was just beginning to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This economic strain will only worsen so long as Russia’s war persists. Russia is responsible for the global cost of this crisis and this invasion of a neighbouring sovereign nation threatens the international rules-based system which has underpinned peace and prosperity in this region for decades.
We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine
As time has gone on, the brutality of Russia’s actions has worsened. Russia’s aggression has created a humanitarian catastrophe, killing thousands of civilians and creating the fastest-growing refugee crisis since World War II. Russian shelling has reduced cities, towns, villages and residential areas to rubble.
Russian forces committed barbaric atrocities in the Ukrainian cities of Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and other Ukrainian towns and cities. We condemn in the strongest possible terms Russia’s war against Ukraine and call on Russia to immediately withdraw its forces from Ukrainian territory. The immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukrainian territory is the only way to end the humanitarian devastation.
Our governments have taken practical actions to support Ukraine. In addition to our ongoing contributions to UN humanitarian funds, we are providing humanitarian assistance to give relief to the Ukrainian people. We have increased our humanitarian intakes to accept refugees fleeing the war. We have each imposed sanctions to increase the costs to the Russian regime and to inhibit its ability to continue its war. It has been profound and sobering to see the tremendous courage and determination with which the Ukrainian people are defending their land. We owe them enormous respect as they fight to save their country and uphold the universal values we all must respect.
We urge all countries to unite to stand with Ukraine and to uphold the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty and respect for international law.
HE Justin Lee, Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia
HE Charles Hay MVO, British High Commissioner to Malaysia
HE Wayne Robson, Canadian High Commissioner to Malaysia
HE Michalis Rokas, EU Ambassador to Malaysia
HE TAKAHASHI Katsuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia
HE Pam Dunn, New Zealand High Commissioner to Malaysia
HE Brian D. McFeeters, US Ambassador to Malaysia
#Russia #Ukraine #Solidarity with Ukraine