The more you use social networks, the less you might want to have children

ETX Studio
Oktober 16, 2022 09:00 MYT
Could there be a link between time spent on social networks and the desire to have children? - ETX Studio
THE use of social networks has a strong impact on our lifestyles. A Finnish study even raises the idea of a correlation between time spent online and the desire to have children.
A study recently conducted by Kateryna Savelieva of the University of Helsinki in Finland, titled "Reasons to Postpone Childbearing during Fertility Decline in Finland,"attempted to explain the reasons for the sharp drop in the birth rate observed in the country in recent years.
For this purpose, 3,468 people, aged between 20 and 44, were asked about their desire to have children. Half of them stated that they did not or no longer wanted children, while more than a third (36.6%) had postponed plans for having children. Meanwhile, 13.4% said that they were not able to say whether they planned to have children or more children.
There are many reasons for postponing the decision to have a child. Some mention their uncertain situation (financial situation, studies still in progress, size of apartment, etc.). Others prefer to keep their current lifestyle and not change anything about their day-to-day life. And there are those who are already parents and do not wish to have more children.
Those who cited their desire to maintain their lifestyle, as well as those more concerned about the insecurity of their situation, are those most hooked on social networks. The latter are also more likely to be people who do not already have children at home.
The study also found that those with at least one child and lower career expectations were less likely to cite their situation as a reason for not pursuing further pregnancies. On the other hand, a woman with no children, who uses social media very regularly, and who is more career-focused was more likely to cite her lifestyle as a factor preventing her from wanting a child. These reasons are also more widely present among women with a higher level of education.
The association between extensive social media use and lack of desire for children, coupled with not wanting to change lifestyle, was more widely cited among those without children than among parents.
Uncertainty regarding "life situation" still emerged as the main reason for not having or for delaying having children. The financial crisis and unemployment are all factors that have an impact on the fertility rate. Note that this study was conducted before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
#Kateryna Savelieva #University of Helsink #Childbearing during Fertility #birth rate #English News