MILF rebels form politcal party as they end rebellion

April 10, 2014 02:02 MYT
MILF members celebrate after the signing of a peace accord between the government and their group in Manila on March 27, 2014. -AP Photo
The largest Muslim rebel group in the Philippines announced Tuesday it had formed a political party as it turns away from a decades-long rebellion after signing a peace pact with the government.
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front’s (MILF) new political group, the United Bangsamoro Justice Party, would act as a springboard to contest the leadership of a more powerful Muslim autonomous region to be established in the south of the largely Catholic Philippines.
“With the political party, the rebels will continue the struggle, but no longer with arms,” said Mohagher Iqal, chief MILF negotiator.
The formation of the party follows the heels of an autonomy deal signed by the rebels and the government on March 27 to end years of fighting that has killed tens of thousands and held back progress in resource-rich but poverty-wracked southern regions that have been the homeland of minority Muslim Filipinos.
The agreement was welcomed by the United States and other governments and carved a new, more powerful autonomous region called Bangsamoro.
Bangsamoro is the term used by the rebels to refer to Muslims as well as other ethnic groups in the southern Philippines.
According to the Inquirer, the party was formed some three weeks ago and has chapters now in major areas included in the proposed Bangsamoro entity.
“We have already named chairs in Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao and other areas,” political affairs chief of the 11,000-strong MILF, Ghadzali Jaafar told the Inquirer.
Iqbal on Monday said the proposed name had been submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission for consideration before submitting it to the Commission on Elections for inclusion in the official list of parties allowed to participate in the regional election.
The new Muslim autonomous region is expected to be launched in 2016 after Congress passes legislation creating it. Iqbal's group said it was too early for it to draft candidates for the planned a 50-member parliament to be led by a chief minister.
#Ghadzali Jaafar #MILF #Mohagher Iqal #political party #rebel group #Springboard #United Bangsamoro Justice Party