Mark Zuckerberg applauds Singapore PM coding skills

Syafique Shuib
Februari 13, 2016 10:25 MYT
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong is one of the only world leaders who knows how to code. - Photo: Facebook/Mark Zuckerberg
FACEBOOK founder Mark Zuckerberg applauded Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's coding skills when the two met at Facebook headquarters on Friday.
Zuckerberg uploaded a photo of them on his Facebook page during Lee’s visit to Menlo Park, California.
“It was an honour to host Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore at Facebook HQ today.
“The Prime Minister is one of the only world leaders who knows how to code. Coding can be useful – no matter what your job is,” said Zuckerberg in a posting on Facebook.

It was an honor to host Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore at Facebook HQ today. The Prime Minister is one of...

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on
According to The Straits Times, Lee created a Sudoku solver programme in May last year as a way of championing science and technology.
The Singapore leader is on a week-long visit to the United States and has met Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt and California governor Jerry Brown.
He is expected to meet Apple CEO Tim Cook.
#coding #Facebook #Lee Hsien Loong #Mark Zuckerberg