Letupan Bangkok: Doa serta ucapan takziah banjiri media sosial

Kohilah Sekaran
Ogos 18, 2015 03:31 MYT
Susulan dari kejadian letupan bom di Bangkok, media sosial kini dibanjiri dengan ucapan takziah dan doa kepada mangsa serta rakyat Bangkok oleh para netizen di media sosial.
Netizen semalam dikejutkan dengan berita letupan di sebuah kuil di tengah-tengah Bangkok yang meragut sekurang-kurangnya 16 nyawa dan mencederakan beberapa orang yang lain.
Kejadian yang berlaku pada pukul 7 malam waktu tempatan (8 malam waktu Malaysia), dipercayai berpunca daripada sebutir bom yang masih belum dikenal pasti jenisnya.
Susulan kejadian, media sosial dibanjiri dengan ucapan takziah dan doa kepada mangsa serta seluruh rakyat Bangkok.

Just heard about the explosion in Bangkok. My heart goes out to everyone affected. So, so sad.

— Nathan Fenton (@NateTimeTV) August 17, 2015
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So sad to hear about the blast in shrine Bangkok.. RIP

— Veebha Anand (@VeebhaAnand) August 17, 2015
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My thoughts and love are with the people of Bangkok today. /p>— Ingrid Nilsen (@ingridnilsen) August 17, 2015

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My thoughts go out to those affected by this horrible attack in Bangkok. I was there a year ago and they were some of the nicest people.

— Justin Berfield (@justinberfield) August 17, 2015
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thoughts and prayers to all in #bangkok pic.twitter.com/Yt3jgVF3Xn

— smoothie (@smoothietunes) August 17, 2015
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Would prefer the world's end than see people suffering.#RIP beautiful souls who lost their lives in today's bombing.Stay strong #Bangkok

— :) (@aneekarma) August 17, 2015
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Tidak kurang juga yang mempersoal tindakan yang tidak berperikemanusiaan itu sambil meluahkan rasa kesal terhadap kejadian tersebut.

News about Bangkok breaks my heart. Crazy what a few evil people can do to hurt so many. Why? Humans. Humans. Humans. Sigh...

— Dee Kosh (@TheDeeKosh) August 17, 2015
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I strongly condemn the blast at Bangkok, claiming lives. I join the families of the deceased & wish a speedy recovery of the injured.

— Dr Raman Singh (@drramansingh) August 17, 2015
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Please pray for those people who have died in #Bangkok today and their families I still don't understand why these things keep happening /p>— 5SOS Updates (@5SOSAlert) August 17, 2015

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I unreservedly condemned the person/s behind the bomb in Bangkok as barbaric & called for an end this senseless act. #Thailand #/a>

— Pravit Rojanaphruk (@PravitR) August 17, 2015
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My thoughts go out to the people affected by last night cowardly attack. Taking innocent lives is no way to protest or make a point.

— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) August 18, 2015
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Praying for the terrorism act that occurred in Bangkok. Symbolizes the beginning of the political unrest that's to come. #Pray4Thailand

— Caleb Deno (@CalebDeno) August 18, 2015
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Bintang terkenal Bollywood, Riteish Deshmukh dan Genelia D'Souza antara pelancong yang terselamat dalam kejadian letupan itu.

Bomb set off just opp the mall we are currently in -can hear the sirens blazing all over- we are safe but feel terrible for the lives lost.

— Genelia Deshmukh (@geneliad) August 17, 2015
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Thank you all for your prayers and concern. We all are fine.

— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) August 18, 2015
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Setakat ini, dua warga Malaysia dikhuatiri menjadi mangsa dalam kejadian letupan bom tersebut.
Bagaimanapun, Duta Malaysia ke Thailand, Datuk Nazirah Hussain masih belum membuat pengesahan identiti mangsa.
Angka kematian dijangka meningkat dengan operasi menyelamat masih dijalankan.
#Bangkok #letupan #media sosia #takziah