L'Oreal heiress's daughter charged with witness tampering

Julai 8, 2016 00:16 MYT
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers was questioned over a 300,000 euro loan she made in November 2012 to her mother's former accountant, Claire Thibout
The daughter of L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt was charged Thursday with witness nobbling in a case involving exploiting the frail billionaire, her lawyer said.
Francoise Bettencourt Meyers was questioned over a 300,000 euro ($330,000) loan she made in November 2012 to her mother's former accountant, Claire Thibout, the lawyer said.
"We will challenge it," said Jean Veil. "This does not hold water. This charge is totally groundless."
Bettencourt-Meyers initially triggered the probe into the alleged exploitation of Europe's richest woman, who is now 93.
She had accused photographer Francois-Marie Banier of deliberately "shattering" her relationship with her mother for allegedly taking advantage of the billionaire's increasing mental frailty.
Eight members of Bettencourt's entourage were convicted in May 2015 of fleecing her, including Banier, who was sentenced to three years in prison with six months suspended.
Banier was also ordered to pay 158 million euros in damages as well as a 350,000 euro fine.
Two men charged with overseeing Bettencourt's vast fortune, Patrice de Maistre and his successor Pascal Wilhelm, were both sentenced to 30 months in prison, 12 of which were suspended, and fines of 250,000 euros.
They have appealed their convictions charging that false testimony was given in their trial.
The explosive drama has dragged in former president Nicolas Sarkozy, who was accused of accepting envelopes stuffed with cash from Bettencourt for his 2007 election campaign.
That charge was dropped in October 2013 due to lack of evidence.
#Francoise Bettencourt Meyers #L'Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt #loan #witness nobbling