Jilted man spent RM125,000 on a movie to prove ex-girlfriend wrong!

Astro Awani
Jun 28, 2014 00:23 MYT
Jilted man spent RM125,000 buying out IMAX theaters for the latest 'Transformers' movie in Beijing to prove ex-girlfriend was wrong for leaving him when he was poor.
A jilted man in China who was dumped by his girlfriend seven years ago for being poor, spent $40,000 or a staggering RM125,520 to book four IMAX cinemas for the first day screening of the latest ‘Transformers’ movie. His mission: to prove that she was wrong to leave him.
"Hu Xiaoyun: I was so poor when we were in our fourth year at college in 2007 that I couldn't afford just two film tickets," the man said in a posting on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo.
"When you left for Beijing, you said that I will always be that way. I have worked hard for the past seven years because of that sentence. Today, I spent half my monthly income to book all the seats in Beijing's IMAX cinemas on June 27.
"I just want to say that you made the wrong choice at that time.”
The man also posted ‘evidences’ of three invoices worth 250,000 yuan.
He urged Internet users to spread the message so that his ex-lover will see it, adding that anyone who shared his original post might have a chance of winning a ticket to the movie.
The man, only known by the surname Wang, uses the name Chicken Run 1234 on the Sina Weibo account, with a photo of the Na’vi tribe from the movie Avatar, as his profile photo.
#imax #Transformers