Indonesia search team finds black box for Trigana aircraft in Papua - official

Ogos 18, 2015 05:36 MYT
The plane was carrying 54 passengers; 44 of them adults, two children, three toddlers and five crew members.
Search and Rescue workers have found the black box for a Trigana Air passenger aircraft that crashed in the remote mountainous interior of the country's eastern most province, a transportation ministry official said on Tuesday.
"At 1:40 local time the Trigana Air black box was found," Transportation Ministry Julius Arivada Barata told Reuters by text message.
Earlier, the National Search and Rescue Agency said the twin turboprop ATR-42-300 probably hit a peak on Sunday before crashing into a ravine in the Bintang Mountains district, about 7 nautical miles from Oksibil.
ATR is a joint venture between Airbus and Alenia Aermacchi, a subsidiary of Italian aerospace firm Finmeccanica.
#blabk box #passenger aircraft #Trigana Air