Hong Kong leader delivers final policy speech of current term

Oktober 6, 2021 04:37 MYT
Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivers her annual policy address at the Legislative Council in Hong Kong, China October 6, 2021. - REUTERS/Lam Yik
HERE are highlights of Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam's annual policy address on Wednesday, the last in her current term, mapping out priorities for the former British colony that returned to Chinese rule in 1997.
- Hong Kong has got back on the right track of "One Country, Two Systems" and governance has returned to normal under the protection of the National Security Law and the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong".
- Government will take forward proactively the enactment of local legislation to implement Article 23 of the Basic Law in Hong Kong.
- Government will strengthen national security education and raise law-abiding and national security awareness of Hong Kong people, in particular the youth, through different activities and approaches.
- Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), as a public service broadcaster, should play an active role in promoting the Constitution and the Basic Law, and engendering a sense of citizenship and national identity.
- Government will introduce corresponding amendments to the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem Ordinance in a view to fulfilling the constitutional responsibility of Hong Kong.
- Will strengthen rule of law. A rule of law database with objective data will be set up to assist in assessing the rule of law and facilitate research and capacity building.
- Government will develop a new metropolitan area in northern Hong Kong for people to live, work and travel.
- With an area of 300 square kilometres, the proposed metropolis will cover the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Boundary Control Points Economic Belt, as well as the deeper hinterlands.
- The Northern Metropolis will be developed as an international I&T hub and the Harbour Metropolis will support Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre.
- A number of development projects planned or under planning in the Northern Metropolis are estimated to provide about 350,000 residential units.
- An additional 600 hectares of land or so could be developed within the Northern Metropolis for residential and industry purposes, with an estimated provision of about 165,000 to 186,000 residential units.
- Upon the full development of the entire Northern Metropolis, a total of 905,000 to 926,000 residential units, will be available to accommodate a population of about 2.5 million.
- The total number of jobs in the Metropolis will increase substantially from 116,000 at present to about 650,000, including 150,000 I&T-related jobs.
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