Homeless woman found dead 24 hours after she entered Hong Kong McDonald's

Oktober 4, 2015 12:59 MYT
Customers were enjoying their meals in the 24-hour fast food outlet unaware that an elderly woman slumped over her corner table is dead.
It was business as usual at a McDonald’s outlet in the bustling Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong.
Customers were enjoying their meals in the 24-hour fast food outlet unaware that an elderly woman slumped over her corner table is dead.
The fast food chain employees only discovered she was dead – at the time unconscious and cold - at her table on Saturday morning almost 24 hours after she entered the restaurant.
She was pronounced dead at the scene.
According to a South China Morning Post report, a CCTV footage showed the woman entering the restaurant at 8.39am on Friday. It was reported that no patrons or the fast food chain outlet employees paid attention to her – who was seated near the bathroom – as people milled about around her.
The woman – aged around 50 to 60 years – is believed to be a street sleeper and regularly spent her nights at the fast food chain.
McDonald’s Hong Kong had expressed grief over the incident and said it would cooperate with police in their investigation.
A spokesman also clarified that the woman had not ordered any food, but staff said she had asked for water from the counter.
The Hong Kong-based daily also said police are still trying to confirm the identity of the woman as no indentification documents were found at the scene.
#fast food #homeless #Hong Kong #Mcdonald's #woman