EU-Peru FTA will develop alternative crops

Februari 25, 2013 05:41 MYT
The EU-Peru FTA effective on March 1 will further develop a "boom" of alternative crops to coca leaf, which will contribute to the fight against drug trafficking, said experts and authorities.
Ruben Vargas, an analyst on security and drug trafficking, said the agreement will allow the entry into the EU (European Union) bloc of these alternative products with duty-free access, which opens opportunities to bring alternative development to other coca areas.
He said the major breakthrough of the alternative development programmes will find "favourable conditions" with the implementation of the FTA with Europe.
Meanwhile, the head of the Peruvian National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida), Carmen Masias, estimated that the upcoming implementation of the agreement will be "an excellent opportunity for alternative crops" to the coca leaf in the country.
She stressed that Humala’s administration is being working on convincing farmers to left coca plantations by starting to cultivate commodities such as coffee, cocoa, palm and others that have wide acceptance in international markets.
#European Union #FTA coca leaf