East Java plans to compel foreign workers to master Bahasa Indonesia

September 7, 2015 08:50 MYT
SOEKARWO: Foreign workers must master Bahasa Indonesia if they want to work in East Java.
Foreign workers employed in East Java must master Bahasa Indonesia under a new regulation being formulated by the provincial government.
Newspapers on Sunday quoted East Java Governor, Soekarwo as saying that a new regulation is being drafted to require foreign workers to master Bahasa Indonesia and use the language when speaking to locals.
"A new regulation is being drafted. Foreign workers must master Bahasa Indonesia if they want to work in East Java," he said.
The new regulation is said to be against the Ministry of Manpower's decision which does not require foreign workers to master Bahasa Indonesia.
Soekarwo however, said the regulation is within the jurisdiction of the provincial government, and thus not in conflict with the central government.
"It is not against the decision of the Ministry of Manpower. We are only implementing provincial autonomy," he added.
As of August 2015, East Java has 14,000 foreign workers, a majority of whom are from China, Japan and Europe.
Most of them are professionals in information technology and construction holding positions such as managers and company directors.
#East Java #foreign workers #Soekarwo