Crowd lines up outside Suu Kyi home to welcome Obama

Associated Press
November 19, 2012 07:43 MYT
Tight security in the Myanmar city of Yangon did not stop well-wishers turning out to catch a glimpse of US President Barack Obama, or at least of his motorcade.
Several hundred onlookers gathered outside the home of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi to wait for his arrival around midday on Monday.
Some in the crowd carried US flags and posters showing the opposition leader and the President together.
Others wore Obama T-shirts.
The security, though large-scale, was relaxed.
When the motorcade arrived the crowd took up a chant of "Welcome Obama" and cheered his vehicle into the compound where he was to meet with Suu Kyi, following a meeting with President Thein Sein.
Obama has said his visit is designed to acknowledge Myanmar's move towards democracy and to encourage it to go further.
It is not, he said, an endorsement of the current government.
#Aung San Suu Kyi #Barack Obama #Myanmar #visit