Bamboo, apple, chebula: Three natural ingredients coming to beauty routines in 2023

ETX Studio
Januari 1, 2023 08:15 MYT
Apple is one of the ingredients coming to beauty routines in 2023. - ETX Studio
THE craze for natural beauty is pushing brands to reinvent and to ditch the lengthy ingredients lists that are now a turn-off for many consumers. As a result, cosmetics now contain all kinds of natural ingredients with unexpected benefits for the skin. This is the case of bamboo, apple and chebula, which are making their way onto the beauty radar in 2023.
Just as we put foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients onto our plates to fight certain diseases and stay in shape, we now apply natural ingredients to our skin to reap the benefits that promise to protect it from external aggression.
This trend has been growing since the pandemic, resulting in the emergence of ingredients whose multiple virtues in the cosmetics sector might never have been suspected. After prickly pear and rice -- two of the essential beauty allies of 2022 -- here are three new ingredients poised to become next year's essentials.
Bamboo for a hydration boost
Used for thousands of years in some countries, including China, whether in construction, design and decoration, or even textiles, bamboo is not unknown in the cosmetics sector -- far from it. But interest in this plant is growing as we head into 2023, and for many reasons.
Bamboo -- and, more precisely, the natural silica it contains -- has multiple benefits for the skin. It can be found in beauty as a hydrolat or hydrosol to deeply nourish dry and dehydrated skin, and is also favored for its regenerative power.
This property makes it a must in anti-aging treatments, whether to help preserve skin firmness or fight against wrinkles and fine lines.
Bamboo is a major beauty partner thanks to is its ability to meet the needs of almost all skin types, since it is also beneficial for combination to oily skin thanks to its mattifying power. It's even good for damaged hair and nails, and in powder form, it can help fight excessive perspiration.
Apple for anti-aging
"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away," or so the saying goes. And for good reason, since this crunchy fruit has many health benefits. Recently, the apple has made a foray into fashion, emerging as a potential alternative to animal leathers. And it's now finding its way into cosmetics, ready to land in 2023, thanks to its anti-aging virtues and other skin benefits.
Rich in polyphenols and quercetin, apples promise to act on the various signs of skin aging, starting with loosening, reduced firmness, and wrinkles.
But that's not all. Apple could also act on skin renewal, and protect it against future aggression from external factors, such as pollution, for example, while nourishing dry skin. As in many cosmetics, the fruit, used in association with other natural ingredients, could even be an ally for combination skin suffering from excess sebum.
Chebula, a multipurpose wonder
Known in Ayurvedic medicine, chebula can have many names, such as chebulic myrobalan or haritaki, and is considered a miracle ingredient in some countries and regions, including India and Tibet, because of its countless benefits.
According to Ayurveda, it has anti-inflammatory virtues that are beneficial for the skin as well as for the body, not to mention anti-aging properties that make it effective in smoothing and firming skin, and making it more elastic. This is due to its high antioxidant content.
In addition, this all-purpose ingredient could contribute to strengthening and rebuilding the skin barrier, helping it to protect it against certain external factors, while moisturizing the skin in depth.
These virtues are already winning over people around the world, according to the latest report from the online cosmetics specialist, Beauty Pie.
It reports that chebula is one of the strongest trends in skincare in 2023, with an unprecedented jump of 922% in Google search volume over one year. Watch out for this essential beauty ally in the coming months.
#bamboo #Chebula #beauty tips #Ayurveda #English News