Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Thursday hailed the election of Argentinian Pope Francis as "an occasion of genuinely historic proportions".

Australia is home to more than five million Catholics and Gillard, an atheist, said her thoughts were with them after Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was named to replace Pope Benedict XVI.

"The election of a pope from the 'new world' is an occasion of genuinely historic proportions," she said.

"Today is an exciting day for Australian Catholics and perhaps especially for Australians of Argentinian descent. My thoughts are with them all."

Bergoglio has become the first Latin American pope as well as the first Jesuit.

Archbishop Denis Hart, president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, the national body of the Bishops of Australia, said Pope Francis was known for commitment to doctrine and social justice and was a humble man.

"His appointment is a sign to the Catholics of Latin America and the whole world of the invitation given to all to follow Jesus closely," Hart said in a statement.

He added that he would write to the pope on behalf of all Australians pledging loyalty, prayer and support.

"We offer our new Holy Father our prayers, obedience and love as he prepares to begin his ministry for us," he said.