Anwar Ibrahim Rocks the Boat

Zakiah Koya
September 14, 2018 07:15 MYT
Anwar Ibrahim Rocks the Boat
The Port Dickson by-election campaign of the Prime Minister-in-waiting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim started off in the most unpredicted of seas - off Port de Marseille on the Mediterannean Sea by the most unpredicted of supporters.

Umno strongman, Padang Rengas MP and former Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz tweeted from a boat in the middle of the sea while holidaying in France that he is all for Anwar - the pending PKR President - contesting in Port Dickson, using the tweet @haflinnazriaziz.

The twitter account belonged to Nazri's wife.

And soon after that, the infamous Datuk Jamal Yunos of Sungai Besar Umno also said that he will help Anwar to win the seat in Port Dickson.

With such support, it seems Anwar is well geared to take Port Dickson parliamentary seat with a storm.

With such support, it seems Anwar is well geared to take Port Dickson parliamentary seat with a storm

However, the most unpredicted of opposition of Anwar standing in Port Dickson has come from his own camp - with PKR leaders stating that they weren't consulted of the Port Dickson plan.

PKR leaders such as Deputy President Azmin Ali, women chief Zuraida Kamaruddin, Shamsul Iskandar and Tian Chua openly said that there should have been a consensus within the party before the move was made.

Anwar's strongman PKR Cive President Rafizi Ramli and PKR secretary general Saifuddin Nasution defended the move and stated only a select few were in the know.

Tian Chua and Zuraida, however, questioned the "kongsi gelap" style of deciding the move.

Azmin stated that as the move has already been announced, now, all that remains is to ensure Anwar wins the seat.

He however said such "kongsi gelap" style in PKR should never be repeated again.

Former Bersih chairperson Datuk S Ambiga, who has always stood behind Pakatan Harapan on many issues, this time round, decided to break ranks with Anwar when she stated that it was an abuse of the electoral process by vacating the seat for Anwar.

She pointed out that it has only been four months since Pakatan Harapan government won and the people should not be forced to come out to vote again after such a short period.

She opined that Port Dickson MP Datuk Danyal Balagopal should not have vacated the seat.

Ambiga said that either his wife Datuk Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail or his daughter Nurul Izzah should have stepped aside to make way for Anwar.

She warned of "potential nepotism", should Anwar too become an MP and take up a position in the government and Wan Azizah remains as the Deputy Prime Minister.

She said it is not about the three being elected as MPs but the fact they will be holding government posts.

Wan Azizah had earlier questioned why there should not be a husband, wife and daughter team in the government.

Wan Azizah had earlier questioned why there should not be a husband, wife and daughter team in the government

A senior Pakatan Harapan leader cynically said that it was normal for Wan Azizah to feel such pride in her family of politicians.

Anwar did not waste any time to waive ideas that he was contesting in Port Dicskon for the mere sake of being the PM and replace Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said that he and Mahathir have an amicable relationship and that he was not impatient.

He merely wanted to get back into politics and not waste any more time, said Anwar.

With many differing views and unpredicted bricks and bats from within his party, Anwar is definitely cooking up a storm with the pending by election.

All that said, the question that is probably the foremost on Anwar's mind would be from the most unpredictable of persons in the most unpredictable of places - PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang at the PAS Annual General Assembly (Muktamar) in Terengganu.

He questioned Anwar, "Are you sure you are going to win in Port Dickson?"

#Ambiga #Anwar Ibrahim #AWANI Review #AWANIReview #Azmin Ali #by election #Danyal #elections #GE14 #Mahathir #Malaysia #Malaysia Baharu #nazri #Nazri Aziz #pakatan #PKR #PM #Port Dickson #Prime Minister #Rafizi #UMNO #Wan Azizah #zuraida