MAHB to install 3 walkalators at klia2 by year-end

Ogos 19, 2014 07:55 MYT
Datuk Mohd Badlisham Ghazali
Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) is planning to install another three walkalators at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (klia2) by year-end.
Walkalators are continuously moving passenger-carrying devices on which passengers stand or walk.
Managing Director Datuk Mohd Badlisham Ghazali said the airport operator planned to fit more walkalators to assist passengers and has to date installed four.
"We have managed to secure the supply of only three due to a shortage.
"Walkalators are not something you can buy off the vendors have also taken orders from other places, and not just this airport," he told reporters here, after the signing of memorandums of understandings (MoU) between the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and 10 vendors under the Bumiputera Vendor Development Programme (VDP).
Badlisham was the signatory to the MoU signed between MITI and MAHB.
He said the new walkalators are likely to be installed at the most critical areas for customers, particularly at both the departure and arrival areas.
"This is one of the things we are committed to in enhancing our customer experience, and part and parcel of running an airport.
"It, (walkalator) is a necessary item...and (the cost) borne by us," he said when asked about the investment, adding, MAHB planned to increase the number to 15 at the klia2 next year.
Meanwhile, Badlisham said MAHB is seeking at least five Bumiputera vendors to join its vendorship programme for this year, following the increase in passenger traffic.
He said the vendors, likely from the services sector, will be sourced by growing existing partners and suppliers or securing new companies.
"We need more firms to assist us, and this is down to the retail level.
"MAHB looks forward to nurturing other players who can supply our corporate office as well the airports," he said, adding that the company plans to have an additional 17 vendors next year.
#Datuk Mohd Badlisham Ghazali #KLIA2 #MAHB #walkalator