Number of flood victims in Beaufort increases to 300

Disember 23, 2014 14:59 MYT
293 victims from 104 families from seven villages, were placed at temporary evacuation centres in Beaufort. - Source Photo Twitter Rescue and Fire Dept
The number of flood victims in Beaufort district, which is located about 97 kilometres from Kota Kinabalu, increased to 300 victims tonight compared with 268 people this afternoon.
Overcast weather conditions and the water level of Sungai Padas in Beaufort tonight recorded a drop of 9.08m compared with 9.15m but still 8.70m above the danger level.
Beaufort District Officer Mohd Shaid Othman said all 293 victims from 104 families from seven villages, were placed at temporary evacuation centres.
He said a total of 23 villages, involving more than 3,000 people were affected by floods, including 17 villages in the Lumadan State constituency and the rest from Klias state constituency.
"More than 10 roads were cut off and closed to light vehicles, namely Kampung Melulugus, Kampung Lawa, Kampung Lago, Kampung Suasa, Kampung Lupak, Kampung Selinsing, Kampung Kebulu, Kampung Beringin, Kampung Gadong, Kampung Lawa, Kampung Lawa Labi, Kampung Gumarit and Kampung Lago," he told Bernama here today.
Mohd Shaid said affected residents can contact the Beaufort district natural disaster operations control centre at 087-211666.
Meanwhile, in Tenom only one relief centre was open with 19 victims from three families staying there while six centres were closed this afternoon when water level in Tenom river dropped.
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